Starbits Studios
Starbits Studios
1283 Thompson Rd.,
Abington, PA 19001
Phone: 215-233-9004
Fax: 215-233-9004
About Us
Design Esthetics and Professionalism
Our web sites are interesting and at the same time clear and easy to use. They work because they are fun to browse, entertaining and informative. We make people want to contact you, and provide them with easy ways to do it.
Our Associates
Starbits Studios, Inc. is a network of independent professionals whose individual talents are all called upon to serve our clients. Our owner, Steven Arbitman, is a specialist in user interface design, databases and communications. He brings you the benefit of over 20 years of experience in designing better ways for people to use computers.
Rob Stainback is a Freelance Multimedia Designer in Tampa, Florida. He is skilled at web, multimedia cd-rom development and print design. Click on his name to link to his home page.
If your organization has a graphics department we will be happy to work with them, but we are proud of our own graphic artist associates, including Judy Murray. She does fine art and sculpture in addition to her outstanding commercial art.
Our marketing expert and copywriter is Mamie Duff, owner of Marketing Engineers. She will create targeted advertising copy based upon the goals of your organization, and is expert in direct mail marketing as well.
Our Clients
Our work is the best reference of all.
Copyright, 1996, Starbits Studios, Inc.. All rights reserved.
