Direct Marketing Services
Direct Marketing Services
107 Compass Road
Parkesburg, PA 19365
Marketing on the Internet
Maybe you came to this page first or maybe you've worked your way here. In any case, we refuse to pull any punches. If your Church, Organization or Business does not have a well designed and maintained web site, you are missing the Ark or boat, whatever you prefer or applies to you. Internet web sites
Everything else on this web site should be a vital part of your marketing, but a web site is critical in today's world. A web site is available 24 hours a day (literally) around the world. Our children, young adults, business associates and parents alike are now using this magnificent information tool to search and find information about products and services "in their community".
DMS-2001 does not host web sites and we do not directly create them at this time. We did create the concept and design the layout for this web site and have worked with both Church and Business web sites in their design and installation.
Our staff works with one of the largest Internet Presence Providers in the East and we have excellent contacts with local experienced providers to establish a successful presence on the Web including the web site hosting and presence provider for this web site - Chester County Sites.
When you have a moment LET'S EXPERIMENT
Chester County, PA is one of the fastest growing counties on the East Coast. Just to give you an example of how poorly the Internet is used by most organizations - try searching for CHURCHES in Chester County, PA. Use any search engine or method you like. You MIGHT find 20 out of hundreds that exist. Furthermore, try searching for AUTOMOTIVE in Chester County, PA. You MIGHT find 20, mostly larger dealerships. You will find even less Fire Companies or Volunteer and Fraternal Organizations.
Let DMS-2001 work with you to place your name in front of more people and more ways. This will let your intended audience know who you are and what you represent!
© Copyrighted; Direct Marketing Services. All rights reserved.
