PO Box 1991
Boothwyn, Pa 19061
Phone 484-368-6607
Fax 610-497-9154
CKirkWebDesign is a full service design firm with experience in designing basic websites to complex dynamic sites utilizing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and content management systems (CMS) such as JOOMLA or WORDPRESS. We also have done work on various e-commerce based websites selling any product or service. Our typical clients include small start-up companies to larger corporations. We have the experience to match the ideal website plan to meet your business needs, taking in to account the various steps needed to complete a professional high quality website which may include any of the following items:
* Website Planning / Site Staging
* Full Detail Quotation
* Domain Registration / Setup
* Initial Design / Graphics Layout
* Client Feedback and Approval
* Website Development / Redesign
* Testing & Review
* Maintenance
We encourage our clients to become hands on, and offer websites that can be 100% client managed utilizing a CMS (Content Mangement System). You control the content and how often updates are completed. We provide technical assistance and training where needed, but will leave the general maintenance and updates to you. This type of site allows a small business to control costs and still be able to obtain a website that can be updated daily, weekly or monthly without incurring design and maintenance costs. Most clients will still need additional assistance.
We can provide cost-effective web site maintenance to new and existing clients. We can take care of the details so you can get back to doing what you do best–taking care of your business! We offer several types of maintenance plans that will allow you to pay as you go or a standard monthly plan. Most websites will require some type of site maintenance in order to stay up to date. Call us today to discuss your website project or start your new website today.
Choose the Website Maintenance Plan that is right for your business:
* Pay as you go (As low as $20.00 hr)
* Monthly Plans (As low as $50.00 month for 3 months)
All plans will allow you to obtain professional 24 hours turn around for general updates, 48 hours for most updates, detailed monthly service billings, email communication support and as always courteous professional service. This service will allow you to have a professional web design company available for cost-effective, detail oriented, fast turnaround updates with minimal personal time required. Our maintenance programs will provide site back-ups upon request.
Websites that may need to utilize a maintenance plan:
* E-Commerce website that require product updates or additions
* Website that want to post events (Calendar of Events) or a list of Upcoming Events
* Addition of photos, images, graphics or more (including image optimization)
* General site maintenance (removal of outdated data, errors)
* Re-designs / Re-structuring
* Search Engine Optimization (Metatags, Page Rankings)
In order for us to prepare an accurate quote, you will want to take time to think about what you want to see on your new website. Based on the information you provide during our planning and marketing session, we attempt to determine your website needs, what you are expecting from your website, your typical client base, what existing marketing materials you may already have and try to get a feel for your industry as a whole. This is why it is important for you to be as detailed as possible during the website planning and staging phase.
Before arriving at a set cost, we will need to determine what services will be required in order to give you the results you desire. Each client is treated on an individual basis and all packages will be customized to suit your specific needs. We have no desire to sell you services or products your business will not utilize.
You may also need to secure a domain name ( and hosting services. We can provide domain registration services and will setup the domain name and hosting to suit your specific website application. All registrations will be made in your company name. We are affiliated with and for hosting services. Many of our clients host their websites with these companies and they have good server uptime, lots of useful free features as well as reliable customer support.
SEO involves several steps in order to increase visitors and page rank for your website. The process involves taking a step by step approach towards increasing visibility within your specific market segment along with increasing offline visibility and retention. Typical SEO projects can take 3-6 months or longer in order to be completly successful. Our team may work on some or all of the following aspects when considering your site as a potential SEO client.
* Keyword Optimization - Evaluation of your currently used keywords and metatags in order to optimize visibility and comply with general SEO standards
* Marketing Review - Ensure all marketing materials (brochure, business cards, coupons, voicemail) contain your website information
* Statistics - Evaluation of your page visits and link tracking, unique visitors and monitoring tools available to monitor your website
* Registration Process - We will evaluate your current search engine rankings and register your site with the major search engines that you are not listed on currently
* Link Building - Search engines may determin site value based on who links to you and the number of people who link to your website.
* Monitoring & Optimization - We will continue to monitor your ranking in order to increase your ranking continually. It is a fact that search engine results will change on a week to week or even a day to day basis depending upon the particular search engine
* General Market / Compitition Comparison - We will evaluate your market and compitition to ensure you will recieve the best exposure and SEO results
* Usability and Content Review - Sometimes website content and navigation menu structure can play a big part in SEO. We can determine if your poor SEO results may be a result of any usability or content related issues.
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