Annodyne, Inc.
Annodyne, Inc.
920 Harvest Drive
Suite 240
Blue Bell, PA 19422

p: 215.540.9110
f: 215.540.9115

Recognizing that the Internet was playing an increasingly important role in business, Annodyne was founded to provide interactive marketing services and solutions for companies needing to make strategic use of a versatile medium ripe with potential. Since our founding in 2001, we’ve consistently helped marketers harness the power of the Internet, one business objective at a time.

The Internet has been upgraded from important to essential and we believe that organizations only use a small percentage of what the Internet has to offer. This means more than just simply having a website. It means implementing new technologies to reach new audiences. It means making your site perform for your business. It means using the Internet to strategically align offline and online initiatives into one seamless entity.

Our mission is to equip our clients with the best the Internet has to offer. To do so, we approach challenges from two perspectives that work in harmony to achieve success for our clients – Internet Business Consulting and Agency Services. With these two sides, we combine the best parts of a traditional consultancy with the typical marketing agency model. Yet, the result is anything but traditional or typical.

Located in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, Annodyne has evolved into the New Marketing Agency for the New Marketing Economy.

Copyright © 2009 Annodyne, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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